Is it really important to tell? Is it truly necessary to confess? Even if it is pointless to get back those good old memories? Can you actually say you’ve won your freedom even you’ve sacrificed the loss of your heart? Will I still eat dinner today even I’m not encouraged my mind to eat? Do I have to sleep when nightmares always haunting on my mind? How do I have to move forward if my feelings pull me back to the times of mixed happiness and sorrow? Will I pass my thesis proposal if there are so many topics to fill up and decide? Does Sunday prayers are needed to heal tainted heart & soul? When my personal aches and pains end? What will I find out tomorrow? Can I say those 3 words to “that!” person even my whole self is in the verge of silence? Was it true that your worst enemy is the best & greatest friend that you’ll ever have? Why do you read this blog if you already know what’s going to happen to your damn worthless life? When will my cellphone be loaded? Which part of change must be changed? Will the world stop turning like an endless waltz? Do past, present, and future are correlated to each other? If I say “I love you!” what kind of words will you reply? Do I have to despise you because you’re mocking me? Why do I struggle to live if the pain in this world kills me? Can you answer these questions? Is it wrong to understand one’s complicated mind even you can’t determine what is right? How can you prove that my comrade “Boogie” is not the ultimate perv? Which is much faster; Turtle or snail? Can you tell me what Boston is like without me? Does circle have sides? Is it true that cassette tapes have six sides? When will my pal J.M. act like a true man? Should I be sorry? Could I be sorry? Why does turntables have to scratch even they’re not itchy? Is it really good to say good-bye? Can you actually measure the intense gravity, speed, distance, and velocity of a man/woman that is falling in love? (Damn freaksh*t bastard love! I hate you and I despise you “love”)
Well so far, its first sem. again & hopefully, my last year for this season of school and I still continue my 2nd stage of my OJT (School Guidance Intern) which is rockin’ & kickin’ good, keeping more full stash but having empty romance. And to maintain my solemn promise for this blog, I will still update it monthly because of having a busy life as a graduating stud. So, still keep on reading & visit my blog OK? That’s all! ! ! 0_0
------------- STUPID SEGMENT TIME ! ! ! -------------
Do you have to face questions even questions are faceless? o_0
( It’s Horrifying to face a faceless scum, Take a look at the mirror… >_< )

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